I delved into photography since I was student in college. My interest in this field stemmed from my desire to capture memorable moments in any one's life that has touched me.
My professional experience in this field came much later when I became an official photographer of Couples for Christ. CFC publishes a bi-monthly magazine called Ugnayan which has a circulation of about 50,000 copies distributed worldwide.
In the year 2006, I tried my hands into wedding photography. It was a different kind of experience. On this field I learned how to be one with the couple in cherishing every details, every moments of their ve

ry special day. I feel I have to be more creative in capturing every moments and every details on this very important day for the couple. To give every photograph a life of its own to be cherished forever.
I researched on the new trends of photographing weddings. And I was surprised that it has already evolved into something more interesting unlike the ones taken 20 to 30 years ago. At that time, most wedding pictures are more of the portraiture genre. The subjects are posed and then the pictures are taken. Since I spent most of my photographic experience with a magazine and covering events, my interest leaned towards the photojournalism type.
In this type of photography, a photographer has to capture the drama and the candidness of the moment. I prefer to freeze these moments of time as this will bring more memories to cherish.

There are a number of photographers now which are creative. This could have been brought about by the emergence of digital photography. Before, with film, most photographers rely on the processing labs to get the result they wanted. With digital photography, photographers have more gained more control on their intended result. Through the use of computers and certain photo processing softwares, one can unleash his or her creative talents and produce great photographic works.

The photo of the bride's shoes was taken with the objective of showing the details but with a touch of drama. I placed the bride's shoes on the floor beside the bed's side table and near a half opened window where a little sunlight was poring in. The result was very satisfactory as you can see in this photo.

I've learned that the couple who is celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary I'm photographing were religiously inclined and are devout Catholics. So I put a little of religious inclination when I took pictures of them. Here I set the rings over a Bible to signify the importance of the Lord in their lives. I've learned from this experience that a photographer has to build rapport or a closer relationship with his subject to better understand how the event can be composed in its entirety.

The girl in this picture was from the start a bit curious of the shoot. She would be watching us every time and she is a member of the bride's entourage as a flower girl. Curious but shy as every time I will focus the camera on her she would run. I was able to capture this moment when I tried focusing my camera somewhere near her but not directly to her. The suddenly I directed my camera on her and clicked on. The result was so natural and candid.

A very touching moment between the bride and her father while her mother looks on. This is a real moment to be cherished by both.