Amid the pompous celebration, how many of us took notice of these street children?
The boy could not be more than thirteen years of age and the girl could not be more than ten. Both bore marks and scars on their tender young skins. Signs of their fight for their daily survival. They were dirty, oily, pungent. He had in his hands a small plastic bag containing solvent material, an adhesive more popularly known as Rugby. He or sadly both uses it to get the high. To escape from the adverse realities they face each day. Out of curiosity, they joined us in the celebration.
They were there amongst us. Not to celebrate with us, but to scrounge for food or beg for anything that will help them survive for the day.

If we will only stop and pause for a while, it will be clear that they are the reason why our community must also survive. They are the reason that makes us relevant. A purpose for our lives. Our mission.
In spite of life's adversities, of hungers and disappointments, the little girl can still show us how to smile. A true child of innocence.
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Mathew 19:14)
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