I am really amazed with what's going on in the community we all have learned to love.
Honestly, I really love this community which I was made known to believe to be founded on love and Christian relationships. I believed in it because I have experienced it. Without this community, I really do not know how my life will turn out. I do not know if I will have the same relationship that I have now with my wife. I do not know if I will still have the same wonderful relationship with each of my seven children. One of whom is a missionary assigned to a far away country in the Middle East and is married to another missionary. I do not know if I will be able to raise my children as I have been able to because of what I learned from the community we all love. I love Couples for Christ.
My life took a drastic change when I and my wife joined CFC almost seventeen years ago. Here I found friends who will console you when you are down. Friends who will cheer with you when times are good. Friends who go out of their way just to make you feel you are loved.
Now, I'm amazed, nay, I think amused is the right word. I am amused to see people whom I have learned to respect bickering with one another. Amused to see these leaders voice out their differing views of the truth, in the presence of almost everyone. Amused, because they seem to have lost what it means to live as a people of God.
I'm amused to see people take sides and form different factions thus causing division in the community. I am not a fence-sitter. All I want is to hear the truth or the facts. I am here in the community because I believe that it was God who called me to be here. I am not beholden to anyone as CFC should not be beholden to no one. Sadly, I am amused that there are leaders who now seem to not know how to handle conflicts and disagreements.
Have we forgotten to relate with one another, the spirit of our charism which is the basic tenet of our community? Or do we only relate to others if they are within one's household? Or are we only willing to have relations to those who we serve with in any of our ministry, family or social?
How then can we conquer the world for Christ if we are a house divided? Majority of us are not preachers, our knowledge of the bible or of our faith is limited. Haven't we all realized that it is in witnessing that we evangelize? Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we were able to show to the world how wonderful it is to relate with one another as brothers and sisters in the faith. This is our strength. CFC’s charisma.
Alas, our strength has become our weakness. The source of the conflict.
If we can not now show how to relate with one another as we used to, then maybe this is the real reason why our membership is going down. Or why the number of members who are going out of the community is increasing.
If we can not build relationships as what we used to, then sadly, we have lost our charisma. CFC has lost its charisma.
Ahh! How sad. I still do not know how I will live in a world without CFC.
Still, I do not need clowns to amuse me.
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